How to open a support ticket?

Document Definition


  • Critical – Level 1: Customer’s production service is down and effecting the overall production service.
  • Serious – Level 2: Customer’s production component is down and partially effecting the production service.
  • Medium – Level 3: Customer’s problem or incident that either doesn’t affect the production system or only minor component.
  • Change Request – Level 4: Customer requesting new setting or modifying existing ones.



Work Method

Support Service
Oasis will respond to client-reported problems according those severity definitions:

  • 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 364 days per year for Critical and Serious (Levels 1 and 2) Issues.
  • Oasis will provide technical support 9 hours per day (09:00-18:00), Six days per week, for all other issues (Level 3 and 4).


Oasis technical support can be contacted via:
Phone: +972-3-7212101


Issue Tracking
All reported Issues are recorded and tracked in Oasis’ call tracking system. A call reference number is assigned upon Issue submission. This reference number enables the Issue to be tracked. Each issue is assigned to an Oasis technical support analyst. Support analysts are specifically trained to perform in-depth troubleshooting activities over the telephone or by email.


Technical Contacts
Customer may designate up to five technical contacts within its organization to liaise with Oasis technical support. Oasis issues every designated technical contact with a special identifier that authorizes Customer’s technical contact to access Oasis technical support. Customer must inform Oasis technical support (via change request – Level 4 support ticket) if technical contacts leave its organization or if customer wishes to designate alternative staff or backup contacts during sickness or vacation periods.


Increased Response Targets
Oasis will use all commercially reasonable efforts to formulate a resolution plan with the customer within the target times shown in the Service Severity Levels table below.


Service Severity Levels

Severity Level: 1 – Critical

Engineer Response: 1 Hour

Update: Every 2 hours

Dispatch of Field Engineer: 4 Hours


Severity Level: 2 – Serious

Engineer Response: 2 Hours

Update: Every 4 hours

Dispatch of Field Engineer: 8 Hours


Severity Level: 3 – Medium

Engineer Response: 4 Hours

Update: Every business day

Dispatch of Field Engineer: Next business day


Severity Level: 4 – Change Request

Engineer Response: 2 Business Day

Dispatch of Field Engineer: As appropriate


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